Political Science
Breiseth Hall Breiseth Hall 327D
(570) 408-4473
Professor Kreider holds a B.A. in Political Science and Philosophy from Millersville University and a M.A. and Ph.D. from Temple University. Dr. Kreider's teaching interests include Public Law and American Government. His research interests include the interactions of law and social science, the Supreme Court's treatment of political parties, and election law.
Voting Rights, Disputed Elections, and Electoral Reform, with Thomas J. Baldino. Greenwood
Press. February 2010.
Campaign Rules: A Reference and Documentary Guide, with Thomas J. Baldino. Greenwood
Press, Forthcoming, 2011. Book Chapters
“The 2006 Pennsylvania Senate Race,” in The Battle for Congress: Iraq, Scandal, and
Campaign Finance in the 2006 Election (David Magleby and Kelly D. Patterson, eds.),
with Robin Kolodny, Stephen Medvic, and Daniel Shea. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers
“The 2000 Pennsylvania Thirteenth Congressional District Race,” in Election Advocacy:
Soft Money and Issue Advocacy in the 2000 Congressional Races (David Magleby, ed.)
PS: Political Science and Politics (June 2001), with Robin Kolodny and Sandra Suarez.
Encyclopedia Entries
“Inchoate Offenses.” In Encyclopedia of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, edited by
Otis M. Stephens, Jr., and John M. Scheb II. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2006
“The Religious Right.” In Encyclopedia of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, edited
by Otis M. Stephens, Jr., and John M. Scheb II. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2006.
“Freedom of Assembly.” In Encyclopedia of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, edited
by Otis M. Stephens, Jr., and John M. Scheb II. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2006.
“Branti v. Finkel (1980).” In Encyclopedia of the First Amendment, edited by David
L. Hudson, David A. Schultz, and John R. Vile. Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, 2007.
“Good News Club v. Milford Central School (2000).” In Encyclopedia of the First Amendment,
edited by David L. Hudson, David A. Schultz, and John R. Vile. Washington, D.C.: CQ
Press, 2007.
“City of Erie v. PAP’s AM (2000).” In Encyclopedia of the First Amendment, edited
by David L. Hudson, David A. Schultz, and John R. Vile. Washington, D.C.: CQ Press,
“Storer v. Brown (1974).” In Encyclopedia of the First Amendment, edited by David
L. Hudson, David A. Schultz, and John R. Vile. Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, 2007.
“Burdick v. Takushi (1992).” In Encyclopedia of the First Amendment, edited by David
L. Hudson, David A. Schultz, and John R. Vile. Washington, D.C.: CQ Press, 2007.
Encyclopedia of the U.S. Constitution, David Schultz, ed. (Forthcoming, 2008) Ewing
v. California (2003) Timmons v. Twin Cities Area New Party (1997)
Encyclopedia of the Fourth Amendment (CQ Press, Forthcoming, 2010) DUI Checkpoints
Ferguson v. Charleston (2001) Arizona v. Gant (2009)
The Encyclopedia of American Law and Criminal Justice (Forthcoming, 2010) Daubert
v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals (1993) Rhode Island v. Innis (1981)
Book Reviews
Social Capital in the City: Community and Civil Life in Philadelphia, by Richardson
Dilworth (ed)
(Forthcoming in Commonwealth)
Taking on the Pledge of Allegiance: The News Media and Michael Newdow’s Constitutional
Challenge, by Ronald Bishop, 18:10 The Law and Politics Book Review 924 (October 2008)
The Constitution’s Text in Foreign Affairs, by Michael D. Ramsey, 17:11 The Law and
Politics Book Review 831 (November 2007)
Executive Orders and the Modern Presidency: Legislating from the Oval Office, by Adam
Warber. 16:6 The Law and Politics Book Review 434 (June 2006)
Revolution by Judiciary: The Structure of American Constitutional Law, by Jed Rubenfeld.
15:9 The Law and Politics Book Review 867 (September 2005)
Law, Justice, and Power: Between Reason and Will, by Sinkwan Cheng (ed). 15:1 The
Law and Politics Book Review 30 (January 2005)
Pennsylvania Constitutional Development, by Rosalind Branning. 13 Commonwealth 136
(March 2007) Conference Presentations
“Clingman v. Beaver (2005), Political Parties, and Political Scientists: Some Thoughts
on Political Science and the Supreme Court’s Political Party Jurisprudence” Southern
Political Science Association Annual Meeting (Atlanta, Georgia) (January 5-8, 2006)
“Political Scientists, Political Parties and the Court: A New Model for Amicus Curiae
Briefs” Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting (Chicago, Illinois) (April
“Beaver v. Clingman, Political Scientists, and Political Parties: Some Thoughts on
Political Science and the Supreme Court’s Political Party Jurisprudence” Pennsylvania
Political Science Association Annual Meeting (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania) (March 31-April
1, 2005)
“Out of Circuit: An Analysis of the Effect of Appeals Court Decisions Outside Their
Circuit” Northeastern Political Science Association Annual Meeting (Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania) (November 2005)
“With All Deliberate Ignorance? The Role of Political Science in the Supreme Court’s
Political Party Cases.” Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting (New
Orleans, Louisiana) (January 8-10, 2004)
“As Their Worlds Turn: Political Science, Law and FEC v. Colorado Republican Federal
Campaign Committee (2001).” Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting
(Savannah, Georgia) (November 6-9, 2002)
Other Conference Activity
Discussant, Pennsylvania Political Science Association Annual Meeting (Elizabethtown,
Pennsylvania) (March 2009)
Discussant, Pennsylvania Political Science Association Annual Meeting (Harrisburg,
Pennsylvania) (March 2008)
Discussant, Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting (Atlanta, Georgia)
(January 2006)
Section Chair, Judicial Politics, Pennsylvania Political Science Association (2006
– 2009)
Discussant and Participant in Roundtable Discussion on “What to Expect with the Roberts
Court,” Pennsylvania Political Science Association Annual Meeting (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania)
(March 2006)
Carpenter Award for Teaching Excellence (2010)
“Outstanding Faculty” designation (Fall 2010)
“Outstanding Faculty” designation (Fall 2009)
“Outstanding Faculty” designation (Fall 2008)
Outstanding New Faculty (Fall 2007)